Early Career Group Coordinator
Dicle Buyuktaskin Tuncturk

Dr Dicle Buyuktaskin Tuncturk is a medical doctor specialised in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. After graduating from Marmara University School of Medicine with the Dean’s High Honor List, she went on her career in Gazi University School of Medicine for her specialization. Her interests in psychology, science and community development united in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry.
During the educational years, she gained international academical and clinical experience by participating in internships in different countries which has given her a global understanding of ideas that can benefit the community. She has attended numerous trainings conducted by external (both in Turkey and overseas) experts and has participated in many national and international conferences where she presented academical works and educational lectures and published in peer-reviewed journals. She has ongoing research projects on neurodevelopmental disorders both in humans and animals.
She was also a fellow of the Helmut Remschmidt Research Seminar in Singapore 2020 which enabled to gain precious insights into scientific research. She is a part of the global communications team of IACAPAP. Dr Dicle Buyuktaskin Tuncturk desires to maintain her interests and be an active contributor to IACAPAP as the ECG Coordinator which offers a unique combination of professional/educational growth and collaboration among young IACAPAP members.