Endorsement of a Non-IACAPAP Event
Endorsement is an official recommendation to IACAPAP members, without active IACAPAP involvement in the programming. IACAPAP maintains no financial or operation obligation in such programming ad assumes no liability for an endorsed meeting. IACAPAP grants permission to use the IACAPAP logo on program brochures and other materials and list the event as an “IACAPAP Endorsed” event on our website.
IACAPAP endorsed events must not clash with IACAPAP World Congress and should not be held within 3 months of IACAPAP World Congress.
The procedure that is followed is set up to allow an efficient and fast decision by IACAPAP. Please provide the necessary information well in advance of the event (and before any publicity is distributed) to enable quick reactions of the IACAPAP Bureau Members. It is recommended to submit a request for more than 3 months before the first paper submission deadline. Proposals submitted after this deadline could be summarily rejected. Proposals that already use the IACAPAP logo/name either in publicity material or websites will be summarily rejected without further consideration.
IACAPAP Privacy Policy: The information contained in the application for IACAPAP endorsement of a meeting is used by the IACAPAP Executive Committee only to evaluate the meeting and to form the basis of the agreement between the IACAPAP and the organisers. It is held by the IACAPAP as a historical record. The IACAPAP does not sell, distribute, or pass any personal data to any organisation.
By submitting an application for IACAPAP endorsement of the meeting you accept this Privacy Policy; do not submit the application if you do not accept the Privacy Policy. Please contact with questions or concerns or to delete your personal data. Requests should be submitted via email. Please direct any questions or concerns to the Secretary General (
IACAPAP Endorsed Events
1. Endorsement application materials:
• Completed application with signature
• Draft program/agenda with invited speaker names (please identify whether speakers are confirmed or tentative)
• Committee List
2. The Program Organisers must present a brief report of the event to inform IACAPAP members.
The IACAPAP Bureau Members will determine if the meeting is in compliance with IACAPAP standards, Constitution and Bylaws. If the endorsement is approved, the IACAPAP Administrator will inform the organisers. The event will be announced in the IACAPAP E-bulletin. After the meeting, the conference Organiser should submit a short report, extracts of which may be used in the newsletter, and send information on how to obtain Proceedings to the Secretariat.
An applicant who wishes to propose a cooperative event can communicate directly with the IACAPAP Secretary General.
IACAPAP Endorsed Event
A Course for Primary Care Providers in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Topics by The Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (CACAP)
June 14 & 15, 2025 - Virtual
Contact us
The Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review and Refresh Exam Prep Course by The Canadian Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (CACAP)
June 12 & 13, 2025 - Virtual
Contact us
AACAP's 2025 Annual Meeting
October 20 - 25, 2025
Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Congress website

Upcoming Conferences & Congresses
34th National Congress of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Illnesses of Turkish Association of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (TACAP)
29 Apr - 3 May 2025
Pine Bay Holiday Resort Hotel, Kusadasi, Turkey
Congress website
22 - 24 May 2025
Barcelona, Spain
21st International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP 2025)
29 June -1 July 2025
Strasbourg, France
Congress website
AAPI Congress 2025 | XXII Vulnerable and Violated Childhood Congress
14-16 August 2025
Regente Hotel in the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Congress website
The 25th RSCANP Congress and the 47th National Conference of Child and Adolescent Neurology – Psychiatry and Associated Professions with International participation
24-27 September 2025
Kronwell Hotel, BRAȘOV, România
Congress website