Starting at the Beginning: Laying the Foundation for Lifelong Mental Health (2020)

Starting at the Beginning: Laying the Foundation for Lifelong Mental Health (2020)
2020 World Congress Book
Edited by: Matthew Hodes, Susan Shur-Fen Gau, and Petrus J. de Vries. (Academic Press)
Starting at the Beginning: Laying the Foundation for Lifelong Mental Health is published to coincide with a series of web-based events that replace the 24th International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP) Congress in Singapore. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic the face-to-face congress was replaced by an introductory webinar in July 2020, and a virtual congress to take place in December 2020.
This book examines epidemiological and cultural perspectives in Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH), risk, prevention, and intervention opportunities in developmental neuropsychiatry, new perspectives on problems and disorders, and Asian Perspectives in CAMH policy and services. It addresses the ways in which interventions and mental health services can be developed and shaped to address the individual differences amongst children in different contexts.
Specific chapters address national epidemiological surveys of child and adolescent mental health including the Taiwanese survey (Gau and Chen, chapter 1), and cultural psychiatry as the basic science addressing mental health and disparities (Guerrero and Andrade, chapter 2). Chapters on developmental neuropsychiatry address consequences of chemical exposure amongst children in South Korea (Jang et al, chapter 3), early life determinants of health and breaking the cycle of disadvantage (Eapen et al, chapter 4), and implementation of early interventions for autism spectrum disorders in resource limited settings, exemplified by South Africa (Schlebush et al, chapter 5). The third section on problems and disorders provide a developmental model of Hikikomori (Kato, chapter 6), a chapter on gaming disorder (King and Delfabbro, chapter 7) , and chapters on common challenges and pitfalls in treating paediatric OCD (Krebs et al , chapter 8), and developmental perspectives and treatment implications for ADHD (Coghill and Seth, chapter 9). The final section addresses child-centric mental health policies (Fung and Poremski, chapter 10), policy and practice of CAMH in China (Zheng, chapter 11), and CAMH needs, services and gap in East and South East Asia and Pacific (Hirota, et al, chapter 12).
The chapters are written by internationally recognised experts, in an accessible style, and illustrated with many figures and tables.
The first 1000 registrants at the IACAPAP virtual congress 2nd – 4th December 2020 will receive a complimentary copy of the IACAPAP book (print or eBook). It is also available from Elsevier, see