IACAPAP Education Travel Grant Guidelines

Version 24.1.2022
IACAPAP Education Travel Grant was established to support attendance from LMIC to attend the Association’s conferences, including IACAPAP World Congress.
The IACAPAP Education Travel Grant is made available by IACAPAP to supplement participation costs for IACAPAP Individual Member from LMIC presenting at the Association’s conferences. The grants are not intended to cover all expenses. The Secretary-General administers the travel grant budget. The number and amount of funding are be based solely on contributions received.
A. Timeline
Application open: 1 February 2022
Application deadline: 30 August 2022 | Extended application deadline: 15 September 2022
Notification of outcome: 30 October 2022
B. Nature of Grant
The grantee of the IACAPAP Travel Grant receives the following to attend IACAPAP conferences:
- Up to USD 500 (five hundred US Dollars) on reimbursement of airfare, transportation, and lodging expenses for travel within the continent OR up to USD 1,000 (one thousand US Dollars) on reimbursement of airfare, transportation, and lodging expenses for travel outside the continent.
- Airfare
- Travel Expenses: Economy bus and train are covered by the travel grant. Taxi fares, parking fees, and fuel costs if you are driving to the site of the convention/conference are also acceptable.
- Lodging expenses: Hotel, hostel, or other expenses towards lodging incurred during the convention/conference.
Note: All receipts must be submitted within 30 days of the event to be reimbursed. Each recipient will be responsible for booking their hotel and flight. IACAPAP do not release fund for book flight or accommodation before any conference. The travel grant will be distributed within 30 days upon receiving the completed submission of the required documentation. Funds will not be distributed without receipts.
C. Eligibility:
- Only IACAPAP Individual Members may qualify for an IACAPAP Education Travel Grant.
- Current membership in IACAPAP at the time of submission, notification and event dates.
- The candidate cannot receive two consecutive travel grants.
- Formal abstract submission is required for the respective conference you wish to attend. Please have the abstract submission number available to complete this form online.
- The applicant must be registered and have fully paid to attend the IACAPAP conference.
- The applicant must be an author of a full, short or demo paper and be the one presenting the work at the conference.
D. Application
All applications should be submitted online. To apply online (click here) with additional supporting documentation:
- Letter of recommendation/reference from current supervisor (300 words max) indicating name, affiliation, address, contact details.
- Curriculum vitae, maximum 02 pages, including previous awards, education, publications, research activities and further information deemed relevant
- A copy of the abstract you are submitted.
- A copy of the letter of invitation from the conference organiser indicating that you are presenting your paper during the conference.
- A copy of the official receipt for the congress registration.
The application must be completed via an online form. Application via email is not acceptable. Please have all necessary documents in PDF format to upload.
E. Notification of Outcome
You will receive an award letter via email from the Administrator of IACAPAP notifying you that you have been awarded a grant. You will also receive an email notifying you if you were not selected to receive a grant and a notification if we have a waitlist.
Prepared by,