8th IACAPAP Lunch & Learn Webinar

Tuesday, 15 November 2022
1.00 PM - 1.45 PM CET (Central European Time) | 7.00 AM - 7.45 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time) | 8.00 PM - 8.45 PM (GMT +8)
The Impact of Economic Crisis on Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A Global Call To Action
The global economic crisis is expected to produce secondary mental health effects that may increase the burden on children and their families. Common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are associated with low educational level, resources disadvantage and unemployment. Despite this challenging scenario, the mental health effects of the economic crisis can be offset by social welfare and other policy measures. Health care professionals can also identify sub-groups that are more susceptible to develop mental health problems during a recession.
The economic crisis and its effect in child and adolescent mental health is a global call to action and we must advocate for implementation of evidence-supported practices that are scalable, expands access to care, and eliminates disparities worldwide.
Matias Irarrazaval, MD MPH
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Regional Advisor for Mental Health and Substance Use
Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization
Matias Irarrazaval, MD, MPH is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and the Advisor on Mental Health and Substance Use at the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization. He is the former Director of Mental Health at the Ministry of Health of Chile, designed the Mental Health Action Plan and directing the COVID Plan for Mental Health and the SaludableMente presidential initiative. Dr. Irarrazaval is working in several research projects to diminishing stigma, building mental health system treatment and research capacity, implementing prevention programs and establishing sustainable scale up of public health systems to improve access to mental health treatment in Chile and the Americas. Dr. Irarrazaval received the Paramjit Toor Joshi International Award from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the American Society of Hispanic Psychiatry award for his contributions in Global Mental Health.

The webinar is open to members of IACAPAP only. Individuals within IACAPAP Full Member organisation and Affiliate Member organisation are a member of IACAPAP. Please click here to register.
This webinar will be conducted virtually via Zoom. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required in advance. Seats are limited and it's based on a first come, first served. E-certificate of attendance will be provided to those who have attended and completed the survey.
For more information on IACAPAP Membership, please visit https://iacapap.org/membership/ or contact info@iacapap.org.
Thank you.